Saturday, December 13, 2008


There I was seated alone while the rest of them were dancing, drunk and as if possessed by some nostalgic music (if you might call it). Suddenly, it occured to me, what the f*ck am I doing here? It certainly is not my idea of a night out. It just happened that that someone close is celebrating her birthday. Perhaps I am being polite, yet it seems I am looking rude at the moment, just silently sitting and watching all the action, looking bored, pretending to be drunk and from time to time trying to muffle a yawn. A wallflower, a moron amongst the phonies. Society would dictate that if there's dancing one should join in and sway with the music. To be with the flow. Well, I would often go against things, I certainly have this problem with authority since my school days. Not that I'm a habitual law breaker or to put if blankly an a*sh#le. It's just not my kind of thing, dancing and all. Party for me is a gathering of close friends, intimate conversation while slowly trying to get drunk and maybe some music on the side.

Don't get me wrong though, you should have seen me during "those" days. If one compares with the gimmicks of todays younglings they would be put to shame and embarassment.hehehe, Yet every generation has it's own trends and lifestyle. Having been there and done that perhaps made me behave this way.

I didn't want to be rude believe me, during all the dancing I tried to "fit in", hoping that I might be carried away by the energy and the vibes of those beautiful people inside. But no, I'm sorry, temptation should come in another form.

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